Automatically pay credit card charges so you can build rewards, not debt.
- Connect your Bank Account & Credit Card
- Pay credit card charges on an Automatic or a Non-Automatic basis.
Automatic Payment:
- App Pays charges youve made over a 10 day window automatically
Non-Automatic Payment:
- App Pays charges made over a 10 day window with your permission, fast & easy with a single tap via a push notification
- Track your credit score so you can keep or build a good score!
PRICING (monthly renewing subscription)
How many cards do you want to track?
Personal Tier:
1 card: $8.99/mo with 1 Week FREE TRIAL (renewing subscription)
2 cards: $15.99/mo (renewing subscription)
3 cards: $21.99/mo (renewing subscription)
4 cards: $27.99/mo (renewing subscription)
5 cards: $33.99/mo (renewing subscription)
Business Tier:
10 cards: $65.99/mo (renewing subscription)
15 cards: $95.99/mo (renewing subscription)
Terms of Use:
OttoRewards bridges the gap between your bank and your credit card so you can pay automatically so you can keep the rewards and not the debt.
**Only available in the United States**